What is unlimited Hola Genie?
Hola Genie is your own virtual personal assistant that is available to you via a chat app Monday thru Friday Eastern Time Zone 8:30am to 4:30pm. They are available to you for a flat monthly fee regardless of the number of tasks you give them.
Is Hola Genie a Real Person or Chat bot?
Your Genie is a real person who is dedicated to serving your wishes.
Can I cancel my membership anytime?
You can cancel your membership during the 30 day trial period without any charges. After the trial, membership can be cancelled anytime. You can cancel the membership by logging in to your account.
How will I reach my Genie?
You will get a link to download an app that will give you access to chat, leave a voice note or call your genie. Your Genie is available Mon thru Fri 8:30am thru 4:30pm EST.
How will the Genie pay my bills?
There are two ways your Genie can help pay the bills. One way is that you can share your credit card details with your Genie and the Genie can make payments on your behalf. Second way is that we can charge you 5% on top of the total bill and the Genie will make the payment. HolaGenie will charge your card on file (amount + 5%). Your Genie will not have access to your personal credit card information.
think, wish, done
Phone: +1 443 584 3643
e-mail: info@holagenie.com
copyright • hola genie